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Los materiales presentados en este sitio web, particularmente los mapas y la información territorial, se proporcionan tal cual y según están disponibles a partir de los datos de los que se dispone y no implican la expresión de opinión alguna por parte de la Secretaría de la Convención de Ramsar respecto de la condición jurídica de ningún país, territorio, ciudad o zona, ni de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus límites o fronteras.


  1. Ramsar logo

    Verloren Valei Nature Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      22 year(s)
    5,891 ha
  2. Ramsar logo

    Prince Edward Islands

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      17 year(s)
    37,500 ha
  3. Rondevlei (looking southwards over the vlei towards Muizenberg Peak and Cape Point)
    Oblique view of the False Bay Nature Reserve looking north-westwards towards the city. The Strandfontein Birding Area is in the foreground, Zeekoevlei in the middle right and Rondevlei, middle left.
    Rondevlei (looking westwards from Zeekoevlei towards Muizenberg Peak and Silvermine)
    Strandfontein Birding Area (looking southwards from Zeekoevlei towards Cape Point).  The construction of the new FBNR headquarters node (now completed)  is visible in the foreground of the photo.
    Zeekoevlei (looking northwards across the vlei from Strandfontein Birding Area towards Devil’s Peak)
    Hippos in Rondevlei
    Various pictures at Strandfontein Birding Area
    Management Activities in the False Bay Nature Reserve
    Newly completed infrastructure on Zeekoevlei Eastern Shore, including braai areas (top left), ablution  facilities (top right) and a landscaped central picnic area (bottom).
    False Bay Nature Reserve Headquarters Complex (left), showing community use of the multi-purpose hall and associated courtyard (top centre and right) and Architect’s impression of the now completed Complex (bottom right).
    Top Left: Boat trip on Rondevlei; Top Right and Bottom Left: Bird hides at Rondevlei; Bottom Right: Picnic Area at Rondevlei; Centre: Erica Verticillata (Cape Flats Erica) classified as  ‘Extinct in the Wild’, and now growing at  Rondevlei
    Environmental Education activities taking place within the FBNR
    Top Left: Start of the 2014 ‘Birdathon’ Fun Family Walk on Zeekoevlei’s Eastern Shore 
Top Right: The ‘Birdathon’ Festival at the central picnic area of Zeekoevlei’s Eastern Shore
Bottom Left: Participants at one on the Quiz stations on the 2014 Fun Walk; 
Bottom Right: Eagle Encounters’ education d
    Friends and Neighbour Initiative, the ‘Other side of the Fence’ at Village Heights informal settlement on the western boundary of the FBNR.  The  FBNR boundary  and interface zone between the settlement and the reserve can be seen in the photo on the bottom right, with the other photographs showing
    National Department of Tourism funded EPWP project on Zeekoevlei’s eastern shore

    False Bay Nature Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      9 year(s)
    1,542 ha
  4. Ramsar logo

    De Mond

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      26 year(s)
    918 ha
  5. Picturesque view of Sekhukhuneland from Steenkampberg Mountane grassland
    Groot Dwars River falls on the upper reaches of the Groot Dwars River
    Ibis falls on the catchment of Everest tributary of the Groot Dwars River
    Newly found plant, Bulbine decastroi, associated with wetlands
    Bulbine decastroi in full bloom in a wetland on DBNR
    Disa alticola a plant species of conservation concern with a vulnerable status found at DBNR
    Aloe Modesta, the only sweetly scented aloe in Africa, found on DBNR
    Bright yellow inflorescence of Bulbine decastroi
    High altitude sheetrock seep wetland found on DBNR
    Newly found, undescribed  Ledebouria sp. nov. ‘noritica’ ined. found on Sheetrock wetland habitat on norite on DBNR
    Breeding colony of Southern Bald Ibis at Ibis falls on DBNR
    Southern Bald ibis chick on nest as well as an egg in an adjacent nest at the breeding colony on Ibis falls
    Bulbine decastroi with spectacular inflorescence
    Patches of Afromontane Forest
    Numerous hillslope seep wetlands occur at DBNR
    Clear waters of the upland rivers at DBNR

    De Berg Nature Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      0 year(s)
    1,265 ha
  6. Ramsar logo

    Wilderness Lakes

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      33 year(s)
    1,300 ha
  7. Ramsar logo

    Makuleke Wetlands

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      17 year(s)
    7,757 ha
  8. Ramsar logo


    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      33 year(s)
    1,500 ha
  9. Ramsar logo

    Seekoeivlei Nature Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      27 year(s)
    4,754 ha
  10. Ramsar logo

    Nylsvley Nature Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      26 year(s)
    3,970 ha




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