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  1. Ismaniger Speichersee with fishponds
    July in Ismaning: Large numbers of moulting
waterbirds, here mainly gadwall and red-
crested pochard.
    A bird’s eye view of the Ismaning Reservoir and former fsh ponds: one-third of 30 large ponds on
the left and the reservoir on the right. In between is the channel of the Mittlere Isar and the pond outfow channel.

    Ismaninger water reservoir with fish ponds

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    986 ha
  2. North of lake Ammersee with Ampermoos
    South of lake Ammersee with the Natura 2000 area "Ammersee south shore and Raistinger meadows" and the nature reserve "Vogelfreistätte Ammersee Süd"
    View from the observation site at the western dike of the new Ammer across the so-called Binnensee to the Dießen Minster. Core area for wetland birds with shallow water zones, reed beds and a nesting raft for Common Terns. In the foreground, siltation zone resulting from the bursting of a dam at the
    Downstream area dammed by a beaver in the Ampermoos, the large river valley fen north of Lake Ammer

    Lake Ammer

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    6,386 ha
  3. Resting birds round the Roseninsel in the northern part of lake Starnberg
    Northern part of lake Starnberg
    Southern part of lake Starnberg

    Lake Starnberg

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      0 year(s)
    5,652 ha
  4. Delta of the river Ache in nature protection area of lake Chiemsee
    Lake Chiemsee
    View from the village of „Übersee“ and the half-island „Lachsgang“ to north-east in direction of the protected area „Achendelta“.
    View from the village of „Übersee“ and the half-island „Lachsgang“ to north-east in direction of the protected area „Achendelta“.

    Lake Chiemsee

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    8,231 ha
  5. Typical reservoir of the site Unterer Inn with the different stages of succession to alluvial forests
    Extensive redynamisation measures are currently underway on the Lower Inn. At the Ering power plant, for example, reinforced river embankments were removed in recent years and a new island tributary system with shallow gravel banks was created.
    Numerous migratory birds rest on the mudflats and shallow siltation zones in the reservoirs on the Lower Inn, especially in autumn, to replenish their reserves before embarking on their strenuous flight over the Alps (here in the background).

    Lower Inn between Haiming and Neuhaus

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      0 year(s)
    1,846 ha
  6. Ramsar logo

    Thanedar Wala Game Reserve

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      32 year(s)
    4,047 ha
  7. Ramsar logo

    Tanda Dam

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      32 year(s)
    405 ha
  8. Ramsar logo

    Kinjhar Lake

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      32 year(s)
    13,468 ha
  9. Ramsar logo

    Drigh Lake

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      48 year(s)
    164 ha
  10. Ramsar logo

    Haleji Lake

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      32 year(s)
    1,704 ha




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