Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto

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Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto

  • País: 
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    206,580.8 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    25°49'N 111°07'W
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Parque Nacional Bahía de Loreto. 02/02/04; Baja California Sur; 206,581 ha; 25°49'N 111°08'W. National Park. The Coronados, Danzante, Montserrat, Catalana and del Carmen islands form this archipelago off the eastern shores of Baja California. The diversity of marine mammals in the islands is higher than anywhere else in Mexico, with frequent sightings of Blue Whales Balaenoptera musculus, Fin Whales B. physalus, Humpbacked Whales Megaptera noveangliae; as well as Orcas and dolphins, amongst others. Spondylus calcifer, Pinctada mazatlanctica and the Widemouth Rocksnail Purpura patula are protected mussel species found in the park, while the Jumbo Squid Dosidicus gigas comes to lay its eggs in its waters. Endemic species or subspecies of mammals and reptiles in the different islands are also to be highlighted. The islands have arid climate, rocky slopes and desert vegetation, including seven endemic species, plus small inlets with mangrove forests. Seaweeds (Sargassum spp.) are found to 5m depth, while Amphiroa spp. and others reach 20 to 30m depth. Fishing is the main economic activity, and the breach of fishing laws and sustainable practices the main problem. Tourism is also important - visitors not only enjoy the natural landscape but also historical ruins of missions and an ancient whale grease processing plant. A management plan has been approved. Ramsar site no. 1358. Most recent RIS information: 2004.

Región administrativa: 
Baja California Sur

  • Designación internacional mundial: 
    • Sitio del Patrimonio Mundial
  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Parque Marino Nacional - Bahía de Loreto
    • Zona de Reserva y Refugio de Aves Migratorias y Fauna Silvestre - Islas del Golfo de California
    • Área Natural Protegida
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

Mapa del sitio

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