Planalto Central do Pico

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Planalto Central do Pico

  • País: 
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    748 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    38°26'N 28°13'W
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Planalto Central do Pico (Achada). 16/06/08; Archipiélago de las Azores; 748 ha. 38°26'N 28°13'W. Sitio de Importância Comunitária SIC, Nature Reserve. The site covers the central area of Pico Island where there are several palustrine wetlands and the catchment areas of freshwater lagoons and ponds. The Lagoa Seca and the Cabeço dos Grotões correspond to volcanic craters while the remaining are topographic depressions receiving water from all their catchment areas. The wetlands are ecologically important as they constitute very illustrative examples of the native and endemic species and wetland habitats of Macaronesia and the Azores. Also some birds have here their main distribution areas in the region, especially the snipe (Gallinago gallinago) and the woodcock (Scolopax rusticola). Although not the most important tourist asset on the island, the area is of scenic interest and visited by many people. Ramsar site no. 1808. Most recent RIS information: 2008.

Región administrativa: 
Azores archipelago

  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Dominio Público Hídrico
    • Reserva Florestal Natural - da Lagoa do Caiado
    • Reserva Florestal Natural - do Caveiro
  • Designaciones jurídicas regionales (internacionales): 
    • Natura 2000 (Unión Europea)
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

Mapa del sitio

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