Autertal - St. Lorenzener Hochmoor
- País:Austria
- Número del sitio:1979
- Superficie:48 ha
- Fecha de designación:02-08-2011
- Coordenadas:46°51'N 13°55'E
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Autertal/St. Lorenzener Hochmoor.12/09/11; Carinthia; 48 ha; 13°55'11'E 046°51'54'N. Natura 2000 site. The Autertal is a valley situated in the Gurktaler Alps, north of the small village of St. Lorenzen. The site consists of various representative, rare, natural and near-natural wetland types listed under the EU Habitats Directive, but is predominantly a raised bog with mountain pine surrounded by various types of sedge land and wet grassland. The site also supports numerous internationally, nationally and regionally rare species of plants and animals, including different bat species such as Myotis myotis, dragonfly species like Leucorrhinia pectoralis, moss species such as Drepanocladus vernicosus and mammals like lynx (Lynx lynx). The site is used for extensive hunting and fishing, extensive farming (hay meadow, summer pasture for cattle, alpine pasture), forestry, and recreation (especially hiking, snowshoe-hiking, mountain biking and skiing). Forest succession presents a threat. The hydrology of the raised-bog is disturbed, but several wooden dams have been built into the drainage ditch in order to raise the water table and rebuild the requirements for active bog-growing. The surrounding nutrient-poor meadows and coniferous forest are sustainably managed. A management plan and nomination as a biosphere reserve "Biosphärenpark Nockberge" are in preparation. Ramsar Site number: 1979. Most recent RIS information: 2011.
Región administrativa:
Carinthia, Feldkirchen
- Designaciones jurídicas regionales (internacionales):
- Natura 2000 (Unión Europea)
- Fecha de última publicación:02-08-2011
Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)
Mapa del sitio
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