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  1. Turtle Release
    Migratory Bird
    Timor Deer in Menipo Island
    Road to Jetty
    Timor Deer
    Cacatua sulphurea
    Cacatua sulphurea

    Menipo Nature Recreational Park

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    2'450 ha
  2. Lac d'Ambléon
    Marais de Vaux et son sentier sur pilotis
    Marais de Vaux et son sentier sur pilotis
    Marais de Vaux et son sentier sur pilotis
    Tourbière de Cerin
    Combe de Léchaud
    Marais de Sainte Blaizine
    Marais en Jarine
    Marais de Léchères et Teppes
    Marais en Jarine - narcisses
    Etangs de Genevray
    Zones humides de Thézillieu - Salers
    Azuré de la Croisette - zones humides de Thézillieu
    Crapaud commun - crapauduc temporaire à Thézillieu
    Drosera à feuilles rondes - zones humides de Brénod
    Linaigrette - Combe de Cerin
    Tourbière de la Béroude

    Marais et tourbières des montagnes du Bugey

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    1'050 ha
  3. Picturesque view of Sekhukhuneland from Steenkampberg Mountane grassland
    Groot Dwars River falls on the upper reaches of the Groot Dwars River
    Ibis falls on the catchment of Everest tributary of the Groot Dwars River
    Newly found plant, Bulbine decastroi, associated with wetlands
    Bulbine decastroi in full bloom in a wetland on DBNR
    Disa alticola a plant species of conservation concern with a vulnerable status found at DBNR
    Aloe Modesta, the only sweetly scented aloe in Africa, found on DBNR
    Bright yellow inflorescence of Bulbine decastroi
    High altitude sheetrock seep wetland found on DBNR
    Newly found, undescribed  Ledebouria sp. nov. ‘noritica’ ined. found on Sheetrock wetland habitat on norite on DBNR
    Breeding colony of Southern Bald Ibis at Ibis falls on DBNR
    Southern Bald ibis chick on nest as well as an egg in an adjacent nest at the breeding colony on Ibis falls
    Bulbine decastroi with spectacular inflorescence
    Patches of Afromontane Forest
    Numerous hillslope seep wetlands occur at DBNR
    Clear waters of the upland rivers at DBNR

    De Berg Nature Reserve

    • Pays: 
      Afrique du Sud
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    1'265 ha
  4. Northeast part of the lake. Open water, green algae and diving duck species are visible.
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    Eastern part of Pyu Lake during dry season. Open water with algae and tall grasses are visible.
    Southern part of the Lake during rainy season
    Southern part of the Lake. Stands of reed mace and tall grasses with few waterbirds are visible.
    Northern part of the Lake. Open water with green algae visible.
    East to west part of the Lake Visible. Area with open water where villagers bathe and wash clothes during dry season.

    Pyu Lake

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    234 ha
  5. Mungyeong Doline Wetland formed in a doline area, which is rare for wetlands
    Mungyeong Doline Wetland with colorful rice paddy
    Mungyeong Doline Wetland with colorful trees in autumn

    Mungyeong Doline Wetland

    • Pays: 
      République de Corée
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    49 ha
  6. Animation auprès d'enfants
    Lagune de la Belle Henriette
    Milieu bocager
    Char à voile sur une plage vendéenne
    Les Cinq Abbés
    Estuaire de la Sèvre niortaise
    Embarcadère au village de Maillezais
    Marais mouillé
    Promenade en barque dans le marais mouillé
    Marais mouillé
    Méandres de la Sèvre niortaise
    Pointe de l'Aiguillon
    Pointe d'Arçay
    Prairie de Champagné les marais
    Prairies inondées
    Prairies inondées
    Hibou des marais

    Marais poitevin

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    69'034 ha
  7. Rules and regulations at the entrance of one of the site's beaches.
    The site encompasses Aruba's largest stand of mangrove forest.
    The tangle of mangrove trees and branches protects the coast from extreme weather events.
    One of the islets that is part of a chain of islands in front of the coast.
    Elhorn coral) Acropora palmata)
    Honeycomb cowfish (Acanthostracion polygonius) in sea grass beds (Thalassia testudinum and Zyringodium filiforme).
    False killer-whale (Pseudorca crassidens).
    The Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) uses the site for refuge, birthing and nursery.
    The Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) uses the site for refuge, birthing and nursery.
    Several dolphin species, like Tursiops truncatus, can be observed close to the coast.

    South Coast

    • Pays: 
      Pays-Bas (Royaume des) (Aruba)
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    3'975 ha
  8. The San Nicolas Bay Reef islands in the back are breeding habitat for thousands of terns from 10 species.
    Brown Pelican at San Nicolas Bay
    One of the turtle nesting beaches in front and the harbour area at San Nicolas in the back.
    Caribbean Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) and Black sea rod (Plexaura homomalla).
    Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
    Cayenne tern (Thalasseus eurygnathus and Cabot's tern (Thalasseus acuflavidus).
    Cayenne tern (Thalasseus eurygnathus.
    Green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
    Fresh water pond Fontein.

    East Point

    • Pays: 
      Pays-Bas (Royaume des) (Aruba)
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    7'597 ha
  9. Information panel near the canal that connects Bubali Wetlands with the Caribbean Sea in the southwest of the site. The invasive water hyacinth can be seen in the background.
    The Bubali Wetlands are an oasis between urban areas and high rise hotels.
    Juvenile Little Blue Heron at Bubali Wetlands (Egretta caerulea).
    Roseate Spoonbill (Platalea ajaja)
    White Cheecked Pintails (Anas bahamensis)
    Black Skimmers
    Whimbrels (Numenius phaeopus)
    Great White Egrets (Ardea alba)
    The Bubali Wetlands are an oasis between urban areas and high rise hotels.
    Salina Cerca
    Salina Cerca
    Salina Druif
    Salina Malmok
    Salina Malmok
    Salina Palm Beach

    Western Wetlands

    • Pays: 
      Pays-Bas (Royaume des) (Aruba)
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    392 ha
  10. Sasarawichi sand dunes
    The Tera Cora area has xeric landscapes and mudflats which transform yearly into a seasonal wetland. The name Tera Cora translates to Red Sand and refers to the icon red soil which covers the entire expanse.
    The roughed northwestern tip of Aruba.
    West Point and Arashi beach

    West Point

    • Pays: 
      Pays-Bas (Royaume des) (Aruba)
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    2'185 ha




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