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  1. A view of Iyake Lake
    Entrance of Ado hill

    Ado-Awaye (Iyake) Suspended Lake Wetland

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    165 ha
  2. Northeast part of the lake. Open water, green algae and diving duck species are visible.
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    Eastern part of Pyu Lake during dry season. Open water with algae and tall grasses are visible.
    Southern part of the Lake during rainy season
    Southern part of the Lake. Stands of reed mace and tall grasses with few waterbirds are visible.
    Northern part of the Lake. Open water with green algae visible.
    East to west part of the Lake Visible. Area with open water where villagers bathe and wash clothes during dry season.

    Pyu Lake

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    234 ha
  3. Back water of Tawa Reservoir
    Flock of Painted Stork, back water of Denwa river
    Spotted dear in Tawa Reservoir, Satpura Tiger Reserve
    Nesting site of River Tern (Birds) in the small Island of Tawa

    Tawa Reservoir

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    20'050 ha
  4. Mangroves near Shannah
    Mangroves near Shannah
    Intertidal mudflats near Shannah
    Mahout Island
    Filim salt flat
    Kinasah lagoon
    Abb Island
    Kinasah lagoon
    Intertidal mudflats

    Wetlands Reserve in Al Wusta Governorate

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    213'715 ha
  5. Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the steam reaching a swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the steam in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest
    Image of the swamp in the Longwood Shola Reserve Forest

    Longwood Shola Reserve Forest

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    116 ha
  6. Image of the Wetland
    Image of the Wetland
    Grey Heron and Garganey seen in the Karaivetti wetland
    A pair of Black Winged Stilt mating in the Karaivetti wetland
    Painted Stork
    Painted stork foraging in the Karaivetti wetland.

    Karaivetti Bird Sanctuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    454 ha
  7. Bar headed goose in Magadi kere wetland
    Panoramic view of Magadi kere
    Panoramic view of Magadi kere

    Magadi Kere Conservation Reserve

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    54 ha
  8. Aghanashini estuary fringed with mangroves blending with the foothills of the Western ghats
    Aghanashini Estuary
    Sanikatta salt pans of Aghanashini

    Aghanashini Estuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    4'801 ha
  9. Longbaotan Wetlands, Summer
    Longbaotan Wetlands, Summer
    Longbaotan Wetlands landscape
    Black-necked cranes (Grus nigricollis) and common crane (Grus grus)
    Bird habitat

    Qinghai Longbaotan Wetlands

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    9'529 ha
  10. Esta imagen es de Laguna Redonda, es una Laguna Costera
    Esta imagen muestra la Laguna Limón, es un humedal de agua dulce, que tiene conectividad con el Caño Celedonio
    Imagen de la laguna Limón
    La imagen es del Caño Celedonio.
    Imagen de la laguna Limón
    Esta imagen es de Laguna Redonda, es una Laguna Costera

    Refugio de Vida Silvestre Laguna Redonda y Limón (Los Humedales del Refugio de Vida Silvestre Laguna Redonda y Limón, Miches y Ria Maimón)

    • Pays: 
      République dominicaine
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    5'754 ha




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