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  1. Colony of Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus on the island of Big Kinsky in Yagorlytska Bay, Black Sea Biosphere Reserve.
    Coast of Yagorlytska Bay
    Pelecanus onocrotalus on the coastal lakes of Yagorlytska Bay
    The coastal lakes and salt marshes of Yagorlytska Bay are the stoppower place of many waders during migrations.
    Middle winter accounting of wintering waterbirds.

    Yagorlytska Bay

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    39'693 ha
  2. Stagno Longu -
Posada - Volo di
    Riflessi sul Rio
    Tramonto su
Posada dallo
stagno Longu
    Skyline di Posada
dal Rio Posada
    Riflessi sul Rio
    Riflesso del
Montalbo sul Rio
Posada da San
    Pescatore alla
foce di Orvile
    Alba sul Rio
Posada - Stagno
    Stagni di Posada – Volo di aironi guarda buoi (Bubulcus ibis)
    Stagni di Posada – Combattimento di folaghe (Fulica atra)
    Stagni di Posada - Aironi
    Stagni di Posada – Posatoio di Aironi guardabuoi (Bubulcus ibis)
    Stagni di Posada – Folaga (Fulica atra)
    Stagni di Posada – Germano reale
    Stagni di Posada – Nidificazione di Airone rosso (Arsea purpurea)
    Stagni di Posada – Pollo sulatno (Porphyrio porphyrio)
    Stagni di Posada – Pollo sultano (Porphyrio porphyrio)
    -Stagni di Posada
    Fenicotteri foce – stagno Posada
    Cormorano si alza in volo (Torpè)
    La peschiera Posada foce
    Vista aerea Ramsar a Torpè (direzione Ovest)
    Stagno – foce
    Dal guado di Torpè sguardo a Ovest
    Canneto e avifauna a Torpè

    Posada River Mouth

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      3 year(s)
    736 ha
  3. Roselière de Trunvel
    Cordon de galets à Plovan "Ero vili"
    Queue d'étang de Trunvel
    Dune grise

    Baie d'Audierne

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      2 year(s)
    2'396 ha
  4. L-Għadira


    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    98 ha
  5. Littoral Aftissate-Boujdour: falaise surplombant directement les eaux océaniques
    Littoral Aftissate-Boujdour: diversité des habitats et valeur paysagère (vue vers le Nord)
    Littoral Aftissate-Boujdour: diversité des habitats et valeur paysagère (vue vers le Nord)
    Valeur culturelle du littoral d'Aftissate: tumulus sur le plateau littoral
    Valeur culturelle du littoral d'Aftissate: amas coquillier préhistorique sur le plateau littoral

    Côte Aftissate-Boujdour

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    11'700 ha
  6. Oued As-Saqia Al Hamra persant le barrage de dunes sableuses
    Oued As-Saqia Al Hamra à l'amont immédiat du barrage de dunes sableuses
    Oued As-Saqia Al Hamra à l'amont du barrage dunaire _flamants et sarcelles marbrées
    Oued As-Saqia Al Hamra en contact de la ville de La'youne (vue vers l'amont)
    Oued As-Saqia Al Hamra en contact de la ville de La'youne et végétation émergente (vue vers l'amont)

    Oued Assaquia Al Hamra à La'youne

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    9'500 ha
  7. Eastern shore of Lake Engure, pasture
    Eastern shore of Lake Engure, pasture
    Berzciems village, sea shore
    Mersrags, sea shore
    Berzciems village, sea shore

    Lake Engure

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    19'762 ha
  8. Poda site
    Poda site
    Poda site, cormorants
    Poda site, swans
    Nature Conservation Centre Poda - http://bspb.org/poda/en/index.html
    Nature Conservation Centre Poda - http://bspb.org/poda/en/index.html
    Poda Wetland
    Poda site, near the conservation centre. In the foreground is the invasive species Ailanthus altissima
    Nature Conservation Centre Poda - http://bspb.org/poda/en/index.html


    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    307 ha
  9. View of Bujagh-Caspian sea
    Flock of Vanellus gregarius (Sociable Lapwing)
    Anser anser in Bujagh wetland

    Bujagh National Park

    • Pays: 
      Iran (République islamique d')
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      2 year(s)
    3'433 ha
  10. Forest habitat in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Waterfowl in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Cormorants. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The bay.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Information table.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Waterfowl in Ropotamo Complex. The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo River.
The photo was taken during a field study part of the preparation of the Ropotamo Reserve Management Plan.
    Ropotamo Complex, Dunes
    Ropotamo Complex, Forest

    Ropotamo Complex

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    3'385 ha




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