Sistema Lacustre Playitas-Moyúa-Tecomapa
- Pays:Nicaragua
- Numéro du site:1980
- Superficie:1'161 ha
- Date d’inscription:29-06-2011
- Coordonnées:12°35'N 86°02'W
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Sistema Lacustre Playitas-Moyúa-Tecomapa. 29/06/11; Matagalpa; 1,161 ha; 12°35'47"N 086°02'48"W. Comprises a permanent lake and two seasonal freshwater lakes, intermittent rivers, swamps, and the flooded agricultural lands that surround them. The site is among the 10 most important wetlands in Nicaragua due to its hydrological importance as the only surface water reservoir in one of the driest areas of the country, which also ensures its biological importance as it supports a diversity of mammals, reptiles, fish, and birds. Migratory species include the blue-winged teal (Anas discors), which uses the site as a rest area, endangered species according to IUCN Red List as lignum-vitae (Guaiacum sanctum), and fish species representative of the region. In addition, the site supports important activities for the population such as fisheries and agriculture. Among the main factors which could adversely affect the site's ecological character are the extraction of water for livestock and agriculture, overfishing, and poaching, among others. The site has a management and development plan approved in 2006. Ramsar Site no. 1980. Most recent RIS information: 2011.
Région administrative:
- Date de dernière publication:29-06-2011
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
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