Borcea Arm
- Pays:Roumanie
- Numéro du site:2111
- Superficie:21'529 ha
- Date d’inscription:21-01-2013
- Coordonnées:44°17'N 27°40'E
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Borcea Arm (Bratul Borcea). 02-02-2013; Calarasi, Ialomita Counties; 21,529 ha; 44°17'12"N 027°40'03"E. Nature Reserve, Natura 2000 (SPA, SCI). Located along a major migratory route, the Danube meadow site represents an important area for resting and feeding of a great variety of bird species. It contains many breeding populations of Accipiter brevipes, Acrocephalus melanopogon, Alcedo atthis and Ardea purpurea among others. During migration, the site is also important as a resting area for populations of Aythya nyroca, Ciconia ciconia, Haliaeetus albicilla and Pandion haliaetus in their way from Russia to the Mediterranean and African countries. The Danube meadow shapes the landscape with lakes between sand dunes, marshes, fishponds, islands, canals and drainage channels, transforming the site into a cradle of biodiversity richness. The vegetation is represented by aquatic macrophytes (Phragmites, Typha sp., etc.), poplars, shrubs and oak forests. The site provides a regulatory ecosystem service, reducing the Danube floods in the area. Within the site, Popina Bordusani contains historical and archaeological ruins which belong to one of the most ancient prehistoric settlements in Ialomita County, dated to 7,000 years old. A management plan has been developed but it is still pending approval. Ramsar Site no.: 2111. Most recent RIS information: 2012.
Région administrative:
Calarasi County
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Nature Resreve - Padurea Canton Hatis
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:02-02-2013
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
Carte du site
Rapports et documents complémentaires
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