- Pays:Australie
- Numéro du site:377
- Superficie:30'640 ha
- Date d’inscription:23-09-1987
- Coordonnées:34°01'S 140°51'E
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Riverland. 23/09/87; South Australia; 30,600 ha; 34°02'S 140°51'E; The site is located within the south Australian section of the Murray-Darling Basin Catchment, along the River Murray and consists of various wetland types including creeks, channels, anabranches, lagoons, billabongs, floodplains, swamps and lakes and one of the major waterbird breeding areas in southeastern Australia. The site supports extensive stands of River Red Gum (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) forests, which support a rich flora and fauna and attract many tourists. The site also supports internationally endangered species such as the Australian Bittern (Botaurus poiciloptilus), the Southern Bell Frog (Litoria raniformis) and the critically endangered Murray Cod (Maccullochella peelii). While the dominant landuse within the site is biodiversity conservation, other uses include grazing and limited commercial fishing. The site supports a significant tourism industry (nature-based boat tours, bush camping, canoeing, water-skiing). Surrounding areas support agriculture, horticulture, Dryland farming and a commercial pastoral operation. Ramsar site no. 377. Most recent RIS information: 2013.
Région administrative:
South Australia
- Inscriptions légales internationales générales:
- Réserve de biosphère de l'UNESCO
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Forest Reserve - Murtho
- Game Reserve - Part Chowilla
- National Park - River Murray
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-2013
Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)
FDR archivées
Carte du site
Rapports et documents complémentaires
- Une description détaillée des caractéristiques écologiques (DCE)