Biviere di Gela
- Pays:Italie
- Numéro du site:397
- Superficie:256 ha
- Date d’inscription:12-04-1988
- Coordonnées:37°00'N 14°20'E
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Biviere di Gela. 12/04/88; Sicilia; 256 ha; 37°01'N 014°20'E. National Park, Natural Reserve, Wildlife Sanctuary. A coastal, freshwater lagoon at the mouth of the Torta River backed by hills and separated from the sea by a dune system. Vegetation consists of submerged aquatic plants and emergent species. The site is used for commercial fishing and as a water source for irrigation of surrounding cultivated land. The area is important as a staging area for numerous species of migratory birds, including important numbers of Phalacrocorax carbo sinensis. The site also supports the highest diversity of nesting waterbirds of any wetland in Sicily. Ramsar site no. 397. Most recent RIS information: 1998.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- nature reserve
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1998