Cheyenne Bottoms
- Pays:États-Unis d’Amérique
- Numéro du site:411
- Superficie:10'978 ha
- Date d’inscription:19-10-1988
- Coordonnées:38°30'N 98°43'W
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Cheyenne Bottoms. 19/10/88; Kansas; 10,978 ha; 38°31'N 098°43'W. Western Hemisphere Shorebird Reserve, State Wildlife Area. A natural, elliptical basin on the Great Plains. Principle natural inflows to the basin are intermittent; additional water is supplied via an artificial canal. Several broad ecological zones are recognized, based on the vegetation communities present. Approximately 45% of all migratory shorebirds nesting in North America stage at Cheyenne Bottoms. Classified as "critical habitat" for the endangered crane Grus americana, the site supports other threatened or endangered birds during nesting, staging or wintering periods. Open to the public, it is an important area for conservation education, recreation and scientific research. Plans for industrial hog farming nearby remain an issue. In April 2002 the site was extended by 2,942 ha and brought under management by The Nature Conservancy. Ramsar site no. 411. Most recent RIS information: 2002.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Nature Reserve
- Wildlife Area
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-2002