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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. The surging glacier in the head of the valley.
    Central part of the valley.
    The lush vegetation at a homeothermic spring.
    Central part of the site.

    Kuannersuit Kuussuat

    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    3,800 ha
  2. The islands seen from east.
    Pond on the island Innersuatsiaq.
    Steep cliff at the island Angissat.
    Coastal lagoon at Basisø.
    Sandy beach on Niaqornaq.
    Arctic terns over Saatuuarsuit, the westernmost small islands.


    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    6,910 ha
  3. Meandering rivers,ponds, lakes and marshes are typical for this site.
    Many lakes have silted water.
    Rocky hills on the raised seabed, where numerous ponds and lakes are found.
    The large central plain of the site.


    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    191,000 ha
  4. South side of Eqaluumiut Nunaat, with Kuuk marshes - an importnat area for Greenland White-fronted Goose

    Eqalummiut Nunaat and Nassuttuup Nunaa

    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    582,002 ha
  5. White-tailed Eagle nest overlooking the western part of the site.

    Ikkattoq and adjacent archipelago

    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    44,880 ha
  6. View from main island towards southeast.
    Thick-billed Murre sub-colony.
    View from main island towards east with mainland in the background.
    View form main island towards northwest.
    View from main island towards southwest.
    The islands seen from east.

    Kitsissut Avalliit

    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    4,470 ha
  7. Southern part of Heden seen towards north.
    The Tyskit Nunaat-area with many ponds and breeding habitat for Sabines Gull.


    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    261,852 ha
  8. Central coastal part of the site seen from NW.
    South coast of the site.
    Central interior part of the site.

    Hochstetter Forland

    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    207,000 ha
  9. The coast of Kilen.
    Interior part close to the Inland Ice.
    Interior part of the site.
    Interior parts seen towards north, with glacier ice on both sides.
    The northwestern part of the area.


    • Country: 
      Denmark (Greenland)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    49,500 ha
  10. Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site
    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site
    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site
    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site
    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site
    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary and Ramsar Site

    Owabi Wildlife Sanctuary Ramsar Site

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      0 year(s)
    1,310 ha




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