Search results
Search found 19 Ramsar Sites covering 2,759,240 ha
- (-) Remove Designation date: 2009 filter Designation date: 2009
- (-) Remove Region/country: Africa filter Region/country: Africa
- (-) Remove Threats: Climate change & severe weather filter Threats: Climate change & severe weather
- (-) Remove Picture available?: Yes filter Picture available?: Yes
- (-) Remove Sites on Montreux record?: No filter Sites on Montreux record?: No
- (-) Remove Threats: Human settlements (non agricultural) filter Threats: Human settlements (non agricultural)
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Bas Ogooue
Designation date:02-02-2009
Site number:1851
Published since:7 year(s)
1,370,000 ha -
Parc National d'Arly
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1884
Published since:6 year(s)
795,289 ha -
Riviere Sangha située en République Centrafricaine
Country:Central African Republic
Designation date:05-11-2009
Site number:1889
Published since:14 year(s)
275,000 ha -
La Forêt Classée et Réserve Partielle de Faune Comoé-Léraba
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1878
Published since:7 year(s)
124,510 ha -
Chutes et Rapides sur Ivindo
Designation date:02-02-2009
Site number:1852
Published since:7 year(s)
103,334 ha -
La Vallée du Sourou
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1885
Published since:7 year(s)
21,157 ha -
Barrage de la Kompienga
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1875
Published since:7 year(s)
17,545 ha -
Vallée de l'oued Soummam
Designation date:18-12-2009
Site number:1898
Published since:6 year(s)
12,453 ha -
Cône d'épandage de Banh
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1877
Published since:7 year(s)
10,003 ha -
Lac Gabou et le réseau hydrographique du Plateau du Tagant
Designation date:13-02-2009
Site number:1854
Published since:15 year(s)
9,500 ha -