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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. Rules and regulations at the entrance of one of the site's beaches.
    The site encompasses Aruba's largest stand of mangrove forest.
    The tangle of mangrove trees and branches protects the coast from extreme weather events.
    One of the islets that is part of a chain of islands in front of the coast.
    Elhorn coral) Acropora palmata)
    Honeycomb cowfish (Acanthostracion polygonius) in sea grass beds (Thalassia testudinum and Zyringodium filiforme).
    False killer-whale (Pseudorca crassidens).
    The Atlantic spotted dolphin (Stenella frontalis) uses the site for refuge, birthing and nursery.
    The Rough-toothed dolphin (Steno bredanensis) uses the site for refuge, birthing and nursery.
    Several dolphin species, like Tursiops truncatus, can be observed close to the coast.

    South Coast

    • Country: 
      Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (Aruba)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      0 year(s)
    3,975 ha
  2. The San Nicolas Bay Reef islands in the back are breeding habitat for thousands of terns from 10 species.
    Brown Pelican at San Nicolas Bay
    One of the turtle nesting beaches in front and the harbour area at San Nicolas in the back.
    Caribbean Blue Tang (Acanthurus coeruleus) and Black sea rod (Plexaura homomalla).
    Queen conch (Strombus gigas)
    Cayenne tern (Thalasseus eurygnathus and Cabot's tern (Thalasseus acuflavidus).
    Cayenne tern (Thalasseus eurygnathus.
    Green turtle (Chelonia mydas).
    Fresh water pond Fontein.

    East Point

    • Country: 
      Netherlands (Kingdom of the) (Aruba)
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      0 year(s)
    7,597 ha
  3. Isla de Cíes. Playa con Amophila arenaria
    Isla de Cíes. Laguna costera
    Isla de Cíes. Percebes
    Isla de Ons. Acantilados costeros
    Isla de Ons. Cuevas de Gavotos
    Isla de Ons. Cueva Burato do Inferno
    Isla de Ons. Camino con sauces
    Isla de Sálvora. Panorámica
    Isla de Sálvora. Aldea
    Isla de Sálvora. Faro y Armeria en flor
    Isla de Sálvora. Gaviotas patiamarillas
    Isla de Cortegada. Panorámica
    Isla de Cortegada. Bosque
    Isla de Onza. Panorámica
    Isla de Vionta. Panorámica
    Pareja de cormorán moñudo (PN Marítimo-Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia)
    Delphinus delphis (PN Marítimo-Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia)

    Parque Nacional Marítimo-Terrestre de las Islas Atlánticas de Galicia

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      3 year(s)
    8,543 ha
  4. View of the south-western part of the reservoir and Burshtyn thermal power station
    A view of the pond for commercial fishery (in the background – Kuropatnyky Village).
    A view of the north-eastern bank of the reservoir (in the background – country cottages, a forest, and Kasova Mountain (Halytskyi NNP).
    Flocks of birds in winter.
    Flocks of birds in winter.
    Flocks of birds in winter.
    Flocks of swans.

    Burshtyn Water Reservoir

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      5 year(s)
    1,260 ha
  5. plage et estran du site Ramsar
    marais salant La barre de Monts
    estran du site Ramsar
    Etier du Dain et marais

    Marais Breton, Baie de Bourgneuf, Ile de Noirmoutier et Forêt de Monts

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      1 year(s)
    55,826 ha
  6. Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury
    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury

    Archipelago Velyki and Mali Kuchugury

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      7 year(s)
    7,740 ha
  7. View from the bird tower in Hammervatnet.
    Hammervatnet prior to restoration.
    Hammervatnet prior to restoration.

    Innherred Freshwater System

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      1 year(s)
    182 ha
  8. Ramsar logo

    Danube Islands - Bugeac - Iotormac

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      11 year(s)
    82,832 ha
  9. Ramsar logo

    Borcea Arm

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      11 year(s)
    21,529 ha
  10. Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake
    Vransko Lake, viewpoint Kamenjak
    Vransko Lake, Ornithological reserve, educational trail
    Vransko Lake, Ornithological Reserve

    Vransko Lake

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    5,748 ha




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