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  1. Ramsar logo

    Teici and Pelecare bogs

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      16 year(s)
    23,560 ha
  2. Eastern shore of Lake Engure, pasture
    Eastern shore of Lake Engure, pasture
    Berzciems village, sea shore
    Mersrags, sea shore
    Berzciems village, sea shore

    Lake Engure

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    19,762 ha
  3. Ramsar logo

    Teesmouth & Cleveland Coast

    • País: 
      Reino Unido de Gran Bretaña e Irlanda del Norte
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      24 year(s)
    1,247 ha
  4. The Orange River Mouth from the Namibian side looking south.  Pelicans, cormorants and large flocks of terns are using the sandspit as a roost.
    Great White Pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and large flocks of terns (Sterna sp.) at the Orange River Mouth.
    View of the Orange River Mouth from Swartkop looking west.  The river mouth is in the centre of the picture.
    View of the Oppenheimer bridge from Swartkop.

    Orange River Mouth

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      29 year(s)
    500 ha
  5. The new sewage settling ponds in the dunes to the east of Walvis Bay (not part of the Ramsar site).
    Counting birds at the new sewage settling ponds.
    Flamingos and other waders at the new sewage settling ponds with the town of Walvis Bay in the background.
    Flamingos and waders in the Walvis Bay lagoon.
    The Walvis Bay salt works are within the Ramsar site.
     "Bird Paradise" sewage settling ponds (not part of the Ramsar site).  These have since been drained because of an alleged mosquito problem.
    View across the Walvis Bay lagoon, looking west.

    Walvis Bay

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      29 year(s)
    12,600 ha
  6. Lioness on the eastern edge of Etosha Pan near Namutoni.  Exceptionally high rainfall in Angola and northern Namibia resulted in the pan filling up.
    The old fort at Namutoni with Fischer's Pan in the foreground, eastern Etosha.
    Giraffe on the edge of Fischer's Pan, eastern Etosha.
    Causeway across Fischer's Pan flooded by exceptionally high water levels.
    Ephemeral waterhole formed during the rainy season.
    View of the eastern edge of Etosha Pan near Namutoni.
    View of the eastern edge of Etosha Pan near Namutoni.
    Blue Cranes on the edge of Etosha Pan near Doringdraai, eastern Etosha.

    Etosha Pan

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      29 year(s)
    600,000 ha
  7. View across the lagoon at low tide, looking north-west.
    Looking south along the edge of the lagoon.
    Musselbeds on the mudflats, looking east.
    Musselbeds on the mudflats, looking east.
    View across the lagoon from the adjacent dunes, looking south-west.
    Remains of the northern, freshwater wetland, looking south.
    Remains of the northern, freshwater wetland, looking south.

    Sandwich Harbour

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      29 year(s)
    16,500 ha
  8. Marais salants du Mès
    Marais amont du Mès
    Marais salants de Guérande
    Marais salants du Mès

    Marais salants de Guérande et du Mès

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    5,043 ha
  9. Ramsar logo

    Mai Po Marshes and Inner Deep Bay

    • País: 
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      12 year(s)
    1,540 ha
  10. -


    • País: 
      Países Bajos (Reino de los)
    • Fecha de designación: 
    • Número del sitio: 
    • Publicado hace: 
      1 year(s)
    6,159 ha




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