Search results
Search found 122 Ramsar Sites covering 11,987,611 ha
- (-) Remove Threats: Natural system modifications filter Threats: Natural system modifications
- (-) Remove Threats: Unspecified/others filter Threats: Unspecified/others
- (-) Remove Ramsar criteria: 2 filter Ramsar criteria: 2
- (-) Remove Management plan available: In preparation filter Management plan available: In preparation
- (-) Remove Threats: Human intrusions & disturbance filter Threats: Human intrusions & disturbance
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Sultan Marshes
Designation date:13-07-1994
Site number:661
Published since:16 year(s)
17,200 ha -
Colne Estuary
Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
Designation date:28-07-1994
Site number:665
Published since:25 year(s)
2,701 ha -
Cascadas de Texolo y su entorno
Designation date:02-02-2006
Site number:1601
Published since:18 year(s)
500 ha -
Lower Prut Lakes
Country:Republic of Moldova
Designation date:20-06-2000
Site number:1029
Published since:24 year(s)
19,152 ha -
Codrington Lagoon
Country:Antigua and Barbuda
Designation date:02-06-2005
Site number:1488
Published since:18 year(s)
3,600 ha -
Lake Burullus
Designation date:09-09-1988
Site number:408
Published since:32 year(s)
46,200 ha -
Zona Sujeta a Conservación Ecológica Sistema Lagunar Catazajá
Designation date:02-02-2008
Site number:1765
Published since:16 year(s)
41,059 ha -
Nærå Coast and Æbelø area
Designation date:02-09-1977
Site number:155
Published since:12 year(s)
13,161 ha -
Stavns Fjord and adjacent waters
Designation date:02-09-1977
Site number:153
Published since:12 year(s)
15,533 ha -
Puhtu-Laelatu-Nehatu Wetland Complex
Designation date:05-06-1997
Site number:911
Published since:27 year(s)
4,640 ha -