Search results
Search found 216 Ramsar Sites covering 61,904,530 ha
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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Lagunas de Vilama
Designation date:20-09-2000
Site number:1040
Published since:24 year(s)
157,000 ha -
Cuenca de Tajzara
Country:Bolivia (Plurinational State of)
Designation date:13-06-2000
Site number:1030
Published since:24 year(s)
5,500 ha -
La Segua
Designation date:07-06-2000
Site number:1028
Published since:24 year(s)
1,836 ha -
Abras de Mantequilla
Designation date:14-03-2000
Site number:1023
Published since:24 year(s)
22,500 ha -
Cuenca Embalse Arenal
Country:Costa Rica
Designation date:07-03-2000
Site number:1022
Published since:24 year(s)
67,296 ha -
Baixada Maranhense Environmental Protection Area
Designation date:28-02-2000
Site number:1020
Published since:4 year(s)
1,775,036 ha -
Par.Est.Mar. do Parcel Manoel Luís incl. the Baixios do Mestre Álvaro and Tarol
Designation date:28-02-2000
Site number:1021
Published since:24 year(s)
34,556 ha -
Punta de Manabique
Designation date:28-01-2000
Site number:1016
Published since:24 year(s)
132,900 ha -
Lagunas de Guanacache, Desaguadero y del Bebedero
Designation date:14-12-1999
Site number:1012
Published since:17 year(s)
962,370 ha -
Sistema de Humedales de la Zona Sur de Honduras
Designation date:10-07-1999
Site number:1000
Published since:3 year(s)
75,031 ha -