Search results
Search found 641 Ramsar Sites covering 84,290,750 ha
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- (-) Remove Ecosystem services: Cultural Services filter Ecosystem services: Cultural Services
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- (-) Remove Threats: Climate change & severe weather filter Threats: Climate change & severe weather
- (-) Remove Threats: Invasive and other problematic species and genes filter Threats: Invasive and other problematic species and genes
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Iles Barren
Designation date:22-05-2017
Site number:2303
Published since:7 year(s)
463,200 ha -
Lac Télé/Likouala-aux-herbes
Designation date:18-06-1998
Site number:950
Published since:7 year(s)
438,960 ha -
Site Ramsar Ntokou-Pikounda
Designation date:08-09-2012
Site number:2079
Published since:12 year(s)
427,200 ha -
Designation date:14-11-2005
Site number:1578
Published since:7 year(s)
368,193 ha -
Rivière Nosivolo et affluents
Designation date:17-09-2010
Site number:1916
Published since:7 year(s)
358,511 ha -
Humedal La Sierra de Guadalupe
Designation date:02-02-2008
Site number:1815
Published since:16 year(s)
348,087 ha -
Lac Tchad
Designation date:17-06-2001
Site number:1072
Published since:6 year(s)
338,550 ha -
Designation date:12-11-2010
Site number:1957
Published since:1 year(s)
318,567 ha -
Complexe d’Aires Protégées Pô-Nazinga-Sissili
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:27-10-2018
Site number:2366
Published since:5 year(s)
301,973 ha -
Riviere Sangha située en République Centrafricaine
Country:Central African Republic
Designation date:05-11-2009
Site number:1889
Published since:14 year(s)
275,000 ha -