Search results
Search found 427 Ramsar Sites covering 49,263,280 ha
- (-) Remove Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499 filter Max elevation (in meters): 1000 - 1499
- (-) Remove Statutory designation taxonomy: World Heritage site filter Statutory designation taxonomy: World Heritage site
- (-) Remove Threats: Human settlements (non agricultural) filter Threats: Human settlements (non agricultural)
- (-) Remove Statutory designation taxonomy: Global international legal and other formal filter Statutory designation taxonomy: Global international legal and other formal
- (-) Remove Wetland type: Inland wetlands filter Wetland type: Inland wetlands
- (-) Remove Designation date: 2013 filter Designation date: 2013
- (-) Remove Picture available?: Yes filter Picture available?: Yes
- (-) Remove Management plan available: Yes filter Management plan available: Yes
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
San Francisco Bay/Estuary (SFBE)
Country:United States of America
Designation date:02-02-2013
Site number:2097
Published since:11 year(s)
158,711 ha -
Currawinya Lakes
Designation date:11-03-1996
Site number:791
Published since:10 year(s)
151,300 ha -
Karkinitska and Dzharylgatska Bays
Designation date:11-10-1976
Site number:114
Published since:2 year(s)
147,557 ha -
Reserva de la Biosfera La Encrucijada
Designation date:19-03-1996
Site number:815
Published since:23 year(s)
144,868 ha -
The Coorong, Lake Alexandrina & Albert Wetland
Designation date:11-01-1985
Site number:321
Published since:11 year(s)
142,530 ha -
La Brenne
Designation date:05-04-1991
Site number:518
Published since:5 year(s)
140,000 ha -
Keta Lagoon Complex Ramsar Site
Designation date:14-08-1992
Site number:567
Published since:0 year(s)
136,000 ha -
Sistema Ripario de la Cuenca y Estero de San José del Cabo
Designation date:02-02-2008
Site number:1827
Published since:16 year(s)
124,219 ha -
Upper Mississippi River Floodplain Wetlands
Country:United States of America
Designation date:01-05-2010
Site number:1901
Published since:14 year(s)
122,357 ha -
Complejo Cenagoso de Zapatosa
Designation date:23-06-2020
Site number:2521
Published since:1 year(s)
121,725 ha -