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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


  1. Vue du plan d’eau du barrage
    Piroguiers dans le lac du barrage
    Digue du barrage
    Zone inondée
    Vue de la zone humide
    Vue de la cuvette du barrage

    Barrage de Samandéni

    • Country: 
      Burkina Faso
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    68,202 ha
  2. Panoramic view of Sur sarovar wetland
    Colony of Spot-billed pelicans at Sur Sarovar Wildlife Sanctuary
    Congregation of Pelicans at Sur Sarovar Wildlife Sanctuary

    Sur Sarovar

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    431 ha
  3. Wairarapa Moana, New Zealand
    Wairarapa Moana Wetland, New Zealand
    Lake Onoke, New Zealand

    Wairarapa Moana Wetland

    • Country: 
      New Zealand
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    10,547 ha
  4. Village d'Ankazomborona et mangroves dans la Baie d'Ambaro
    Mangroves le long du chenal
    Zone de restauration
    Haliaeetus vociferoides
    Anas bernieri
    Ardea humbloti
    Peuplement de Sterna bengalensis
    Microcebus sambiranensis
    Shpyrna mokarran
    Village de pêcheurs
    Femme pêcheur

    Mangroves de la Baie d'Ambaro

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    54,000 ha
  5. Tudakul reservoir
    Kuymazar reservoir
    Kuymazar  reservoir
    Kuymazar  reservoir
    Vegetation on the shore of the Tudakul reservoir

    Tudakul and Kuymazar Water Reservoirs

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    32,000 ha
  6. Panoramic view of Lonar Lake
    A lone peacock at Lonar Lake
    Landscape of Lonar Lake

    Lonar Lake

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    427 ha
  7. Bar headed Goose at Asan
    Ruddy shelduck at Asan
    Ruddy shelduck at Asan
    Common Pochard at Asan
    Indian Spot-billed Duck at Asan
    Painted Stork at Asan
    Landscape view of Asan
    Landscape view of Asan
    Landscape view of Asan
    Landscape view of Asan

    Asan Conservation Reserve

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    444 ha
  8. A fisher within Nelumbo beds in Kabartal
    A lesser adjutant in Kabartal
    Fishers at Kabartal

    Kabartal Wetland

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    2,620 ha
  9. Sitio Ramsar Limarí: Desembocadura Rio Limarí, desde Salala hasta su desembocadura, Región de Coquimbo, Chile. Vista de la amplitud del humedal, sus usos tradicionales y el contraste con su entorno semidesertico

    Humedal del río Limarí, desde Salala hasta su desembocadura

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      4 year(s)
    527 ha
  10. Faena de pescadores en el corregimiento de Candelaria, municipio de Chimichagua
    Atardecer en la ciénaga de Zapatosa
    Pescadores después de la faena de pesca con especies como Bocachico y Pacora
    Vista panorámica del puerto de Chimichagua, en época de inundación de la Ciénaga de Zapatosa
    Ciénaga de Zapatosa en período de inundación
    Chalupas, sistema de transporte en la Ciénaga de Zapatosa
    Panorámica del Complejo de Zapatosa vista desde el municipio de Tamalameque
    Proceso de participación comunitaria en el complejo de Zapatosa en los procesos de declaratoria como área protegida
    Pato Yuyo en la ciénaga de Zapatosa
    Garza Real en la ciénaga de Zapatosa

    Complejo Cenagoso de Zapatosa

    • Country: 
    • Designation date: 
    • Site number: 
    • Published since: 
      1 year(s)
    121,725 ha




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