Search results
Search found 641 Ramsar Sites covering 84,290,750 ha
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Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
Complejo de Humedales del Alto Rio Cauca Asociado a la Laguna de Sonso
Designation date:14-02-2017
Site number:2403
Published since:4 year(s)
5,525 ha -
Complejo de Humedales Urbanos del Distrito Capital de Bogotá
Designation date:06-08-2018
Site number:2404
Published since:4 year(s)
667 ha -
Complejo Jaltepeque
Country:El Salvador
Designation date:02-02-2011
Site number:1935
Published since:2 year(s)
49,474 ha -
Complejo Los Cobanos
Country:El Salvador
Designation date:02-02-2019
Site number:2419
Published since:4 year(s)
21,312 ha -
Complexe d’Aires Protégées Pô-Nazinga-Sissili
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:27-10-2018
Site number:2366
Published since:5 year(s)
301,973 ha -
Complexe des lacs de Manambolomaty
Designation date:25-09-1998
Site number:963
Published since:7 year(s)
7,491 ha -
Complexe des Zones Humides de Bemanevika
Designation date:02-02-2017
Site number:2287
Published since:7 year(s)
10,000 ha -
Complexe du Parc Urbain Bãngr – Weoogo et du lac des trois barrages
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:02-02-2019
Site number:2367
Published since:5 year(s)
945 ha -
Cône d'épandage de Banh
Country:Burkina Faso
Designation date:07-10-2009
Site number:1877
Published since:7 year(s)
10,003 ha -
Designation date:13-12-2007
Site number:1741
Published since:16 year(s)
504,950 ha -