Bardaca Wetland

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Bardaca Wetland

  • País: 
    Bosnia y Herzegovina
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    3,500 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    45°06'N 17°27'E
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Bardaca Wetland (Bardaca-mocvarni kompleks). 02/02/07; Republic of Srpska Entity; 3,500 ha; 45°06'N 017°27'E. Important Bird Area. Situated in the floodplain of the Sava River near the border with Croatia, about half of the Ramsar site comprises fishponds constructed since the early 20th century and further enlarged in the 1960s for irrigation purposes. The ponds, floodplain forest, meadow and swamp areas support a range of endangered species and make an important nesting and stopover site for birds. There is a rich fish fauna (e.g., Gymnocephalus schraetzer, Zingel streber) and a range of amphibians such as Salamandra salamandra, rana dalmatina, and the pond tortoise Emys orbicularis. The hydrological regime has been interrupted by the construction of channels, pump stations, and damming of nearby streams, but presently pressure comes from permanent, intensive agricultural practices such as intensive pasturing and unwise use of fertilizers and pesticides. Aquaculture and fish production remain a primary economic pursuit. With assistance from the Ramsar Small Grants Fund, a management plan is currently under development. Ramsar site no. 1658. Most recent RIS information: 2007.

Región administrativa: 
Republic Srpska

  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

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