Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park
- Country:United States of America
- Site number:1779
- Area:21 ha
- Designation date:18-04-2008
- Coordinates:40°01'N 83°01'W
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Wilma H. Schiermeier Olentangy River Wetland Research Park. 18/04/08; Ohio; 21 ha; 40°01'N 083°01'W. A complex of created and natural freshwater riverine wetlands located on the campus of The Ohio State University in Columbus, Ohio. The wetlands include freshwater, tree-dominated wetlands, permanent rivers/streams/creeks, seasonal/intermittent freshwater marshes, and permanent freshwater marshes. It is a unique combination of 1) a biologically diverse assemblage of different wetland and riverine habitats both representative and unique to the region; 2) high-quality university teaching, research, and publishing related specifically to wetland ecology and management; and 3) significant wetland ecotourism and outreach for an urban community where few wetlands remain. As a result of wetland creation, restoration, and sound management, the ORWRP has developed into a diverse set of habitats and vegetated ecosystems comparable to any similar-sized temperate zone wetland. The site has supported almost 160 bird species, diverse fish and invertebrate communities in the river and marshes, and a wide variety of mammals, amphibians and reptiles, all in an urban region of 1.6 million people. The ORWRP is one of only two wetland research facilities in the USA in the Global Wetland Consortium (GWC). It is also found under the IUCN protected areas category Ia (Strict Nature Reserve). Ramsar site no. 1779. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- Clean Water Act
- Last publication date:18-04-2008