Merja Zerga
- Country:Morocco
- Site number:206
- Area:7,300 ha
- Designation date:20-06-1980
- Coordinates:34°49'N 06°17'W
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Merja Zerga. 20/06/80; Kénitra; 7,300 ha; 34°51'N 006°16'W. Biological Reserve, Permanent Hunting Reserve. A large, coastal lagoon of variable salinity with extensive intertidal mudflats, fringing marshes and reedbeds separated from the sea by a stabilized dune system. Important numbers and regionally rare or globally threatened species of staging, wintering and nesting waterbirds are supported, as are various fish, reptiles and invertebrates. Human activities include intensive summer tourism, fishing, grazing, and rush harvesting. Ramsar site no. 206. Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- Biological Reserve
- Permanent Hunting Reserve
- Last publication date:01-01-2005