Třeboňské rybníky
- Country:Czechia
- Site number:495
- Area:10,165 ha
- Designation date:02-07-1990
- Coordinates:48°37'N 14°48'E
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A highly complex and disjunct system of 180 interconnected, artificial fishponds excavated in the flood plain of two rivers and consisting of extensive reedbeds, coniferous woodland, wet meadows, agricultural land, peat bogs and freshwater marshes. The area is important for numerous species of breeding waterbirds, as a feeding ground for Black stork (5-10 pairs) nesting nearby, and an internationally important staging area for up to 20,000 waterbirds. The site supports several notable species of invertebrates and plants. Human activities include bird hunting (uncontrolled), agriculture and tourism. The site was added to the Montreux Record in 1994 due to possible threats arising from the privatization process. Since 1997 the adverse effects of intensive fish farming and hunting became more significant due to nutrient-enrichment and the destruction of littoral zones and surrounding habitats.
Administrative region:
Ceské Budejovice
- Global international designation:
- UNESCO Biosphere Reserve
- National legal designation:
- national nature reserve
- protected landscape area
- Last publication date:01-10-2000