Le Rhône genevois - Vallons de l'Allondon et de la Laire

Teppes de Verbois
Teppes de Verbois
Vallon de l'Allondon

Le Rhône genevois - Vallons de l'Allondon et de la Laire

  • Country: 
  • Site number: 
  • Area: 
    1,929.4 ha
  • Designation date: 
  • Coordinates: 
    46°11'N 06°02'E
Materials presented on this website, particularly maps and territorial information, are as-is and as-available based on available data and do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area, or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.


The Site contains a section of the Rhône River in Geneva and downstream, extending from the lake south-westward to the French frontier. It includes the shores of Lake Geneva and riverbanks within the city, riverside areas of the Rhône and natural valleys of the Allondon and the Laire, the Rhône’s two main tributaries in the area. The Site forms a green corridor with a varied vegetation cover and habitats such as reedbeds, grasslands subject to seasonal inundation, scrub and alluvial woodland. The Site includes some of the last remaining relatively unmodified stretches of the Rhône in Switzerland, and it is one of the most important wintering sites for waterbirds in the country. There are 113 European protected and over 430 Swiss red-listed species including the globally vulnerable common pochard Aythya ferina and the globally endangered thick shelled river mussel Unio crassus. Given the proximity to the city, the Site is of a high educational and recreational value, but also under many pressures due to recreational and economic activities such as hydropower generation and the presence of two chemical plants. Popular recreational activities include walking, cycling, canoeing, rafting and camping.

Administrative region: 
Canton de Genève

  • National legal designation: 
    • Inventaire des sites de reproduction de batraciens d’importance nationale, annexe 4, 2001 / RS 451.34 - Moulin de Vert (Object no. GE14) / L
    • Inventaire fédéral des paysages, sites et monuments naturels d'importance nationale (IFP), 1977 / RS 451.11 - Le Rhône genevois - Vallons de l
    • Inventaire fédéral des prairies et pâturages secs d’importance nationale (PPS) (Office fédéral de l'environnement OFEV) - Divers objets
    • Inventaire fédéral des zones alluviales d'importance nationale, 1992 / RS 451.31 - Vallon de la Laire (Object no. 112) / Vallon de l
    • Réserve d’oiseaux d’eau et de migrateurs d’importance internationale et nationale (OROEM), 1991 / RS 922.32 - Rade et Rhône genevois (GE) (Object no. 9)
    • Réserves naturelles cantonales (GE) - Divers objets
  • Last publication date: 


Ramsar Information Sheet (RIS)

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