Malham Tarn
- Country:United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland
- Site number:634
- Area:286 ha
- Designation date:28-10-1993
- Coordinates:54°05'N 02°09'W
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Malham Tarn. 28/10/93; England; 286 ha; 54°06'N 002°10'W. National Nature Reserve, SSSI. The site comprises areas of open water, calcareous fen, soligenous mire, and raised bog. It supports the nationally rare Bartsia alpina and Calamagrostis stricta. It also provides habitat for five listed British Red Data Book invertebrates, including Agrypnia crassicornis. Human activities include tourism, recreation, grazing and permanent pastoral agriculture. Ramsar site no. 634. Most recent RIS information: 1999.
Administrative region:
- National legal designation:
- nnr
- sssi
- Last publication date:01-01-1999