
Ramsar logo


  • Pays: 
    Fédération de Russie
  • Numéro du site: 
  • Superficie: 
    220'000 ha
  • Date d’inscription: 
  • Coordonnées: 
    57°39'N 157°11'E
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Utkholok. 13/09/94; Korak Autonomous Area; 220,000 ha; 57°40'N 157°11'E. Nature Reserve. The site incorporates extensive tundra wetlands and bogs. Vegetation consists of floodplain communities, meadow and tundra supporting numerous species of grass. Habitats include patterned bogs and birch forests (Betula ermanii) with patches of Siberian dwarf-pine elfin wood (Pinus pumila). The site is important for various species of migrating, breeding and molting waterbirds, in particular Anser fabalis. Several threatened species of birds, fish and plants occur at the site. Human activities include reindeer grazing, fishing, hunting, and berry and mushroom collecting. Ramsar site no. 696. Most recent RIS information: 1997.

Région administrative: 
Koryakski Autonomous Okrug

  • Inscription légale nationale: 
    • Nature Reserve ('zakaznik') - Utkholok
  • Date de dernière publication: 


Fiche descriptive Ramsar (FDR)