Tyligulskyi Liman
- Pays:Ukraine
- Numéro du site:766
- Superficie:26'000 ha
- Date d’inscription:28-02-1997
- Coordonnées:46°50'N 31°10'E
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Tyligulskyi Liman. 23/11/95; Odeska, Mykolaivska Oblasts; 26,000 ha; 46°50'N 031°10'E. Ornithological Game Reserves, Regional Landscape Park. One of the purest limans (brackish lagoons) on the northwest coast of the Black Sea, the site includes accumulative islands, salt meadows, and sandy peninsulas. Vegetation consists of various species of hydrophilic plants and reedbeds and includes several endemic species. The site supports wintering, nesting, and autumn and spring migrating waterbirds, several species of which are nationally or internationally threatened. Over 25% of the European Egretta alba population winters at the site. Human activities include fishery, hunting, livestock grazing, recreation, and environmental education. Ancient Greek archeological settlements occur on the site. Ramsar site no. 766. Most recent RIS information: 1998.
Région administrative:
Odeska Oblast,Mykolaivska Oblast
- Inscription légale nationale:
- ornithological game reserve
- regional landscape park
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-1998