Indus Delta
- País:Pakistán
- Número del sitio:1284
- Superficie:472,800 ha
- Fecha de designación:05-11-2002
- Coordenadas:24°06'N 67°42'E
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Indus Delta. 05/11/02; Sindh; ~472,800 ha; 24°06'N 067°42'E. Includes wildlife sanctuaries. The fifth largest delta in the world, formed under largely arid climatic conditions and characterized by high river discharge, moderate tides, and evidently the highest wave energy of any river in the world. The fan-shaped delta consists of creeks, estuaries, mud, sand, salt flats, mangrove habitat, marshes, sea bays, and straits and rocky shores. Its 129,000 ha. of mangrove, mostly Avicenna marina, comprises 97% of the total mangrove area in the country and is said to be the 7th largest mangrove forest in the world. A large number of species are supported, of birds (including the threatened Dalmatian pelican), of fish and shrimps, and of dolphins (Plumbeous dolphin, Finless porpoise, and Bottlenose dolphin), humpback whale, and reptiles. The area is rich in archaeological and religious heritage. Some 40 settlements in the area, with about one million people, find livelihoods largely from fishing. Ramsar site no. 1284. Most recent RIS information: 2001.
Región administrativa:
Sindh Province
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- wildlife sanctuaries - Keti Bunder and Shah Bunder and Cut Manarki Chach
- Fecha de última publicación:05-11-2002
Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)
Mapa del sitio
Informes y documentos adicionales
- Listas taxonómicas de especies vegetales y animales presentes en el sitio