Barrage Al Massira
- País:Marruecos
- Número del sitio:1471
- Superficie:14,000 ha
- Fecha de designación:15-01-2005
- Coordenadas:32°26'N 07°32'W
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Barrage Al Massira. 15/01/05; Qal'at Essraghna; 14,000 ha; 32°28'N 007°34'W. Site of Biological and Ecological Interest, Permanent Hunting Reserve. The second biggest reservoir in Morocco, it hosts the vulnerable Marbled Teal and constitutes an important wintering site for coots, ducks and geese especially in dry years. In the summer, it also provides refuge to approximately 20 waterbird species, of which 15 build their nests. The reservoir is said to be the only nesting site of the Common Black-headed Gull in Africa, with the presence of 20 breeding pairs. It is considered the most important inland fishing site in Morocco, with seven commonly fished species and catches amounting to 90 tonnes per year. The number of fishing permits is limited to 12 per year. It plays an important role in irrigation of agricultural land and the supply of drinking water, as well as flood control. Its releases during the summer also allow hydropower production further downstream. The main threats to the site are illegal fishing, pollution and disturbance to birds and eggs during the nesting season. Ramsar site no. 1471. Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Región administrativa:
Qal'at Essraghna
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- Permanent Hunting Reserve
- Site of Biological and Ecological Interest
- Zone of Interest for the Conservation of Birds
- Fecha de última publicación:15-01-2005