Suncheon Bay

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Suncheon Bay

  • País: 
    República de Corea
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    3,550 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    34°48'N 127°24'E
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Suncheon Bay. 20/01/06; Jeollanam-do; 3,550 ha; 34°48'N 127°24'E. Wetland Protected Area. A wide estuarine tidal flat and intertidal marshes, creating one of the most diverse and beautiful coastal ecosystems in the country. Two rivers flow through the city and surrounding rice fields at the northern part of the bay, and numerous streams flow through the site, sustaining clean water quality and influx quantity. The tidal flats are largely muddy with shallow salt marshes supporting a wide-range of species, including at least 25 threatened birds, e.g. Black-faced Spoonbill, Nordmann's Greenshank, Spoonbill Sandpiper, and Relict Gull. It is the only wintering site for Grus Monacha and supports over 1% of the population of Common Shelduck, Hooded Crane, Eurasian Curlew, Saunder's Gull and Kentish Plover. It has important scenic, tourist, and cultural heritage values, and the annual production of fish, seaweed, and mollusks, mainly harvested using traditional techniques, is substantial. Rapid urban expansion is noted as a potential threat. The Suncheon Bay Natural Eco-park was established in 2004 and a management plan is underway which focuses on protection of biological resources, pollution abatement, institutional improvement, and public awareness. Ramsar site no. 1594. Most recent RIS information: 2006.

Región administrativa: 

  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Natural Eco-Park
    • Wetland Protected Area
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

Mapa del sitio