Cerknisko jezero z okolico

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Cerknisko jezero z okolico

  • País: 
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    7,250 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    45°45'N 14°22'E
Los materiales presentados en este sitio web, particularmente los mapas y la información territorial, se proporcionan tal cual y según están disponibles a partir de los datos de los que se dispone y no implican la expresión de opinión alguna por parte de la Secretaría de la Convención de Ramsar respecto de la condición jurídica de ningún país, territorio, ciudad o zona, ni de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus límites o fronteras.


Cerkniako jezero z okolico (Lake Cerknica and its environs). 19/01/06; 7,250 ha, 45°45'N 014°23'E. Natura 2000 site, Ecologically Important Area, Regional Park. The largest and most typical intermittent karst lake in its region. It is formed during rainy periods when the volume of water can no longer be drained through sinkholes, and the lake has no surface outflow, discharging exclusively underground. Numerous picturesque karst phenomena, such as karst sources, estavelles, ponors and ponor caves, abound, and the Kri~na cave is renowned for its underground lakes; the Rakov `kocjan valley, formed by the collapse of ceilings of underground caves, and the River Rak are fed mainly by water from the lake. These special habitats support many rare and endemic species, such as cave beetle and cave salamander, and the lake is the only nesting site in Slovenia for the red-necked grebe, the redshank and the ferruginous duck as well as a breeding place for the corncrake. Remains of Palaeolithic, Mesolithic, and Iron Age settlements are found on Gorica Island in the middle of the lake, as well as prehistoric settlements from the 12th to the 4th centuries BC and a Roman necropolis nearby. Frequent, unpredictable flooding makes intensive agriculture impossible, but pasture and forest uses are widespread, besides some small recreation grounds; appropriate tourist facilities are needed to avoid adverse effects of unorganised tourism. Ramsar site no. 1600. Most recent RIS information: 2006.

Región administrativa: 

  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Ecologically Important Area
    • Natural Monuments - Rakov Škocjan and Zelške jame
    • Nature Reserves - Zadnji kraj, Dujice, Osredki, Levišča and Vranja jama at Cerkniško jezero
    • Protected Areas - Rakov Škocjan and Planinsko polje
    • Regional Park - Notranjska Regional Park
  • Designaciones jurídicas regionales (internacionales): 
    • Natura 2000 (Unión Europea)
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

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