Le Mont Ntringui

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Le Mont Ntringui

  • País: 
  • Número del sitio: 
  • Superficie: 
    3,000 ha
  • Fecha de designación: 
  • Coordenadas: 
    12°10'S 44°25'E
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Le Mont Ntringui. 12/11/06; Anjouan; 3,000 ha; 12°11'S 044°25'E. Located on Anjouan, Comoros' second biggest island, the site comprises Mt. Ntringui, the island's highest point, and the crater lake Dzialandzé, which is the largest freshwater body on the island. The site provides a habitat for the endemic, critically endangered Livingstone's Flying Fox, one of the world's largest fruit bats; the Mongoose Lemur Eulemur mongoz, also vulnerable; and endemic bird and plant species, which depend on each other for their reproduction, dispersal and survival. Permanent rivers along the slopes of Mt. Ntringui are providential for water supply, irrigation and as a source of water for livestock. The site is also important in its provision of building materials, medicines, fuel wood, honey, for spiritual reasons and as a tourist attraction. It is however threatened by population growth, unsustainable resource use, encroachment, erosion and introduced species. The risk of the degradation and disappearance of the island's freshwater supply is worrying. Although there is no management plan at the site, the NGO Action Comores Anjouan is carrying out some conservation activities with the local communities and a conservation plan for Pteropus livingstonii has been elaborated. There are also plans to transform the site into a national park. Ramsar site no. 1650. Most recent RIS information: 2006.

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