- País:Congo
- Número del sitio:1741
- Superficie:504,950 ha
- Fecha de designación:13-12-2007
- Coordenadas:03°55'S 11°27'E
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Conkouati-Douli. 13/12/07; Kouilou; 504,950 ha; 03°55'S 011°27'E; National Park. A diverse complex of marine and continental wetland types on the border with Gabon (littoral coast and beaches, mangroves, lagoons, lakes, permanent rivers and streams, papyrus marshes and submerged swamp forests) results in a highly diverse fauna (1207 species in 129 families), makes it a refuge and reproduction zone for fishes, shrimps, crabs, waterbirds and mammals, and maintains the overall hydrological balance of the zone through groundwater recharge, flood prevention, shoreline stabilization and nutrient retention. The resulting fauna diversity contributes to maintaining the biodiversity of the region and gives the site its great biological, hydrological and economic importance. Species of global conservation concern include the forest elephant, gorilla, marine turtles, etc. Fishing and hunting are the major socio-economic activities. Harvesting of forest resources mostly for subsistence also occurs. The waters of the site are exploited for traditional and religious rites, making it culturally important. The National Park has an official management plan but also benefits from the fishing and hunting laws of Congo, further ensuring conservation of its resources. The appearance of invasive aquatic plants, practice of bush fires and slash and burn agriculture, and poaching of turtle eggs are major threats. Ramsar site no. 1741. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Región administrativa:
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- National Park - Parc National Conkouati Douli
- Sanctuaire faunique - Sanctuaire faunique de Conkouati
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-2008