Maladumba Lake
- País:Nigeria
- Número del sitio:1756
- Superficie:1,860 ha
- Fecha de designación:30-04-2008
- Coordenadas:10°24'N 09°51'E
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Maladumba Lake. 30/04/08; Bauchi; 1,860 ha; 10°24'N 009°51'E. Forest Reserve. A natural, shallow lake and the surrounding forest reserve in Central Northern Nigeria. It is representative of the natural wetlands of the Sudan savanna in Nigeria. The wetland has a unique assemblage of plant and animal species that are important for the maintenance of biological diversity. It supports a large number of migrant bird species such as the Grey Heron, white-necked stork, Green Fruit Pigeon, etc. The lake has a high diversity of fish species and thus plays an important role as a source of protein for the local population and enhances the local economy. Agriculture, grazing, hunting, and recreation are also practiced by the surrounding population. Rapid siltation is a growing threat. Ramsar site no. 1756. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Región administrativa:
Bauchi State
- Fecha de última publicación:30-04-2008