Francis Beidler Forest
- País:Estados Unidos de América
- Número del sitio:1773
- Superficie:6,438 ha
- Fecha de designación:30-05-2008
- Coordenadas:33°15'N 80°22'W
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Francis Beidler Forest.30/05/08; South Carolina; 6,438 ha; 33°15'N 080°22'W. National Natural Landmark. A protected swamp forest along a broad, flat-bottomed alluvial valley within the Four Holes Swamp, constituting the largest remaining virgin stand of bald cypress and tupelo gum trees in the world. More than 300 vertebrates and 300 plants depend upon the site for survival, and a number of threatened and/or vulnerable species are present, such as the IUCN Red Listed Flatwoods Salamander (Ambystoma cingulatum) and several bat and snake species; threatened flora include Southern Twayblade, Green-fly Orchid, and Shadow-witch Orchid. Some 140 species of birds are supported and the site has been designated a BirdLife Important Bird Area (IBA). The forest is principally owned by the National Aubudon Society, with a parcel owned by The Nature Conservancy and a small parcel belonging to a private landowner, and a model management (and expansion) plan is being implemented. The site is used by bird- and nature-enthusiasts and students, as well as fishers and deer- and hog-hunters in some parts, and low-density farming and grazing occurs in the surrounding area. A principal hydrological role of the site is the improvement and maintenance of water quality of the waters flowing through it, but high levels of mercury have been found in the fish. Logging, farm run-off, and urban sprawl from Charleston are seen as potential threats from outside the site. The visitors' centre offers a full range of environmental education programmes. Ramsar site no. 1773. Most recent RIS information: 2008.
Región administrativa:
South Carolina
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- National Natural Landmark
- Society of American Foresters Natural Area
- Fecha de última publicación:30-05-2008