Mokřady dolního Podyjí

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Mokřady dolního Podyjí

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Mokrady dolního Podyjí (floodplain of lower Dyje River). 02/11/93; Breclav; 11,525 ha; 48°50'N 016°45'E. Biosphere Reserve, Important Bird Area; National Nature Reserves, National Nature Monument, Nature Reserves, Protected Landscape Area. Added to the Montreux Record, 6 June 2005. Mature floodplain forests representing the largest, remaining fragments of hardwood floodplain forest (of the Ulmenion alliance) in Central Europe. The site includes meadows, pools, backwaters, and a system of small fishponds. Originally a continuous complex of floodplain habitats along four rivers, today it is segmented by artificial reservoirs and altered by channelization and conversion to agriculture. A biocorridor of international importance, numerous important biocentres are present (a protected gene pool site of invertebrate species associated with old solitary oak trees). The site supports numerous rare plant species, and it is an important gathering, wintering and breeding area for numerous species of migratory birds. Human activities include timber extraction, hunting, water reservoirs, use of water for irrigation, recreation, and angling. Ramsar site no. 635. Most recent RIS information: 2007.
Designación transfronteriza: 
Mokrady dolního Podyjí Ramsar Site is part of the "Trilateral Ramsar Site Floodplains of the Morava-Dyje-Danube Confluence" established in June 2004, along with Donau-March-Thaya-Auen Ramsar Site (No.272) and Untere Lobau Ramsar Site (No. 273) in Austria and Moravské luhy Ramsar Site (No. 604) in Slovakia.

Región administrativa: 

  • Designación internacional mundial: 
    • Sitio del Patrimonio Mundial
    • Reserva de la Biosfera de la UNESCO
  • Designación jurídica nacional: 
    • Nature Monuments - Kutnar NM; Kvetne jezero NM ; Betlem NM
    • Nature Reserves - Vestonicka nadrz NR ; Dolni Musovsky luh NR ; Plackuv les a ricka Satava NR ; Frantiskuv fishpond NR
    • national nature monument - Pastvisko NNM
    • national nature reserve - Krive jezero NNR ; Ranspurk NNR ; Cahnov-Soutok NNR
    • protected landscape - Palava
  • Designaciones jurídicas regionales (internacionales): 
    • Natura 2000 (Unión Europea)
  • Fecha de última publicación: 


Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)

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