Islands in Ob Estuary, Kara Sea
- País:Federación de Rusia
- Número del sitio:676
- Superficie:128,000 ha
- Fecha de designación:13-09-1994
- Coordenadas:66°40'N 70°58'E
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Islands in Ob Estuary, Kara Sea. 13/09/94; Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area; 128,000 ha; 66°40'N 070°58'E. Nature Reserve. Floodplains of the lower Ob River, consisting of a complex of islands, lakes, channels, wet meadows, and marshes. A typical island feature is temporary water bodies (sors), occupying 40% of the total area. Habitats include fens, sor swamp meadows consisting of sedge-herb associations, grasses and willows. The site, on an important bird migration route, is one of the richest waterbird breeding and molting areas in the northern hemisphere. The numbers of breeding birds fluctuate from year to year, varying from 500 to 2,000 birds per 10 sq. km, depending on water levels. The area is one of the richest whitefish habitats in the world, supporting large populations of various species. Human activities include whitefish and sturgeon production, hay harvesting, ship navigation, reindeer herding, and conservation education. Ramsar site no. 676. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Región administrativa:
Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Area
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- zakaznik/nature sanctuary
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-1997