Svir Delta
- País:Federación de Rusia
- Número del sitio:688
- Superficie:60,500 ha
- Fecha de designación:13-09-1994
- Coordenadas:60°35'N 32°55'E
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Svir Delta. 13/09/94; Leningrad Oblast; 60,500 ha; 60°35'N 032°56'E. Nature Reserve, Wildlife Refuge. The Delta consists of numerous channels, streams, bogs, lakes, wet meadows, polders, and the shallow waters of Svir Bay with sand beaches and reedbeds. Terrestrial habitats include bogs, fens, and transitional mires. The vegetation consists of spruce, pine and mixed forests, Salix sp. willows and speckled alder Alnus incana are widespread. Floodplain meadows support diverse herbs and grasses. The site provides important habitat for 44 regionally threatened species of birds and is an extremely important staging and feeding area for migrating geese. Numbers of migrating geese reach 150,000 birds, and up to 600,000 ducks of various species pass through the area in spring. Numerous species of waterbirds breed at the site. Human activities include agriculture, cattle breeding, haymaking, fisheries, and hunting. Ramsar site no. 688. Most recent RIS information: 1997.
Región administrativa:
Leningrad Oblast
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- zakaznik/nature sanctuary
- zapovednik/state nature reserve
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-1997