Currawinya Lakes
- País:Australia
- Número del sitio:791
- Superficie:151,300 ha
- Fecha de designación:11-03-1996
- Coordenadas:28°47'S 144°33'E
Los materiales presentados en este sitio web, particularmente los mapas y la información territorial, se proporcionan tal cual y según están disponibles a partir de los datos de los que se dispone y no implican la expresión de opinión alguna por parte de la Secretaría de la Convención de Ramsar respecto de la condición jurídica de ningún país, territorio, ciudad o zona, ni de sus autoridades, ni respecto de la delimitación de sus límites o fronteras.
Currawinya Lakes Ramsar Site has some of the most diverse wetland types in inland Australia, including largely unmodified permanent and intermittent saline and freshwater wetlands. They include the Great Artesian Basin springs, one of the largest artesian groundwater basins in the world. Numerous plant communities are found within Currawinya Lakes and due to the range of wetland habitats present, there is an array of native fauna and particularly an abundance and diversity of waterbird species. The water bodies support large number of breeding birds and provide a refuge habitat in drought conditions for birds, amphibians, reptiles and native fish. The Site is highly significant to local indigenous communities for its archaeological, traditional and contemporary values. There are stone arrangements, native wells , scarred trees (trees with bark removed for canoes and shields), stone artefacts and burial grounds dating back some 400 years. Present use of the area is limited by its remote location. A number of nature-based, low-impact recreational activities take place, including nature walks and drives, wildlife watching, camping, canoeing and fishing.
Región administrativa:
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- National Park - Currawinya National Park
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-2014
Ficha Informativa de los Humedales de Ramsar (FIR)
FIR archivada
Mapa del sitio
Informes y documentos adicionales
- Plan de manejo del sitio