Salar de Tara
- País:Chile
- Número del sitio:875
- Superficie:96,439 ha
- Fecha de designación:02-12-1996
- Coordenadas:22°55'S 67°15'W
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Salar de Tara. 02/12/96; Antofagasta Region; 96.439,6 ha; 22° 56' S and 67° 15' W. This High Andean site encompasses a brackish lagoon that has maintains itself with the superficial waters that flow from the high mountains and volcanoes that surround it. This water body is important as nesting grounds for at least two flamingo species including Phoenicoparrus jamesi and Phoenicopterus chilensis and is habitat to many other waterfowl species, resident and migratory, such as the mammal species Vicugna vicugna and Lagidium viscasia. Among the land uses are the conservation of natural resources, as well as tourism and the use of the surrounding grounds by the communities for grazing and collection of medicinal plants. The area is partially included in Los Flamencos National Reserve, which has a Participative Management Plan in place, and is included in the National System of Protected Areas of the State. Salar de Tara falls under the IV Management Category of the IUCN (Habitat/Species Management Area). Last information: 2010.
Región administrativa:
- Designación jurídica nacional:
- Reserva Nacional - Los Flamencos
- Fecha de última publicación:01-01-2010