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  1. Vaipu Swamp Forests Conservation Area
    Merremia peltata impacted the natural vegetation of the Vaipu Swamp
    Scarlet Robin (Petroica multicolor)

    Vaipu Swamp Conservation Area

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    278 ha
  2. Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu
    Lusal River, Gaua Island, Vanuatu
    No Tilapia Sign Board, Lake Letas, Gaua Island, Vanuatu
    Lake Letes + Siri Waterfall

    Lake Letes

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    8'248 ha
  3. Caryapundy Swamp
    Caryapundy Swamp
    Caryapundy Swamp

    Caryapundy Swamp

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    70'176 ha
  4. Wairarapa Moana, New Zealand
    Wairarapa Moana Wetland, New Zealand
    Lake Onoke, New Zealand

    Wairarapa Moana Wetland

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    10'547 ha
  5. Glenelg River Estuary as viewed from the Beach Road lookout, the opening to the ocean can be seen at far right.
    Coastal dune scrub on the barrier dunes adjacent to Long Swamp and shorebird habitat along the ocean beach.
    Lake Mombeong one of the freshwater lakes of Discovery Bay

    Glenelg Estuary and Discovery Bay Ramsar Site

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      6 year(s)
    22'289 ha
  6. Aerial - the Great Sea Reef from Nadogo, Northern Division.
    Aerial - the Great Sea Reef surrounding Kia Island, Northern Division.
    Night time shot of a traditional Fijian bure or homes made with thatched roofs and natural material walls.
    Ligau Village fishermen out at sea fishing.
    Katawaqa Island where turtles nest and are protected.
    Mita from Ligau Levu Village expertly handles a freshly caught live aggressive mudcrab from the mangroves.
    Soft coral garden, a charming dive site of the Great Sea Reef's marine protected area.
    Turtle monitors (Dau Ni Vonu)  were once turtle hunters who are now using their skills to advocate for the protection of this iconic species
    Snorkeler swims the coral reefs of the Great Sea Reefs.

    Qoliqoli Cokovata

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      6 year(s)
    134'900 ha
  7. O Le Pupū Puē National Park visitor center
    O Le Pupū Puē National Park coastal area
    Interior of O Le Pupū Puē National Park
    O Le Pupū Puē National Park coastal area
    O Le Pupū Puē National Park coastal area
    Mataroa River of O Le Pupū Puē National Park
    O Le Pupū Puē National Park coastal area

    O Le Pupū Puē National Park

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      6 year(s)
    5'019 ha
  8. Paroo Mound Spring
    Paroo Mound Spring
    Aerial view of Peery Lake from north to south down western side
    King Charlie Waterhole, Nocoleche Nature Reserve
    Aerial view of Peery Lake
    Peery Lake shoreline

    Paroo River Wetlands

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      2 year(s)
    138'304 ha
  9. Looking south east, up the Manawatū River from Fernbird Flat
    Looking south west, across Fernbird Flat and Manawatū Estuary
    Looking north west, towards Foxton Beach township and the main high tide shorebird roost from Fernbird Flat
    Shorebirds (bar-tailed godwits, South Island pied oystercatchers and pied stilts) roosting on Manawatū Estuary sandspit at high tide

    Manawatū River mouth and estuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    600 ha
  10. Tufa deposits at the Dales, Christmas Island. Date unknown.
    Red crabs at the Dales, Christmas Island. Date unknown.

    The Dales

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      1 year(s)
    580 ha




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