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  1. Flock of Crab at Nanthar Island
    Habitat Type of Waterbirds, Nanthar Island
    Birds in northern part of Nanthar Island
    Birds and mangroves of Nanthar Island
    Habitat Type of Nanthar Island and Mayyu Estuary
    Spoon-billed sandpiper found on the Nanthar Island

    Nanthar Island and Mayyu Estuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    3'608 ha
  2. Shwe Mit Zu Pagoda
    Sarus Crane
    Stork-billed Kingfisher
    Tufted Duck
    Little Green Bee-eater
    Glossy Ibis
    Bronze-winged Jacana
    Asian Openbill
    Purple Heron

    Indawgyi Wildlife Sanctuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      8 year(s)
    47'884 ha
  3. Mangrove in Meinmahla Kyun
    Sunset of Meinmahla Kyun

    Meinmahla Kyun Wildlife Sanctuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      7 year(s)
    50'000 ha
  4. Flock of white-winged terns following the rushing tidal bore
    Survey team and boats at dusk
    Coastal wilderness in the Gulf of Mottama
    Tidal marshes

    Gulf of Mottama

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      4 year(s)
    161'030 ha
  5. traditional culture of Inlay Lake  Wildlife Sanctuary
    Birds at Inlay Lake

    Inlay Lake Ramsar Site

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      5 year(s)
    5'798 ha
  6. Northeast part of the lake. Open water, green algae and diving duck species are visible.
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    waterbird habitat in Pyu Lake
    Eastern part of Pyu Lake during dry season. Open water with algae and tall grasses are visible.
    Southern part of the Lake during rainy season
    Southern part of the Lake. Stands of reed mace and tall grasses with few waterbirds are visible.
    Northern part of the Lake. Open water with green algae visible.
    East to west part of the Lake Visible. Area with open water where villagers bathe and wash clothes during dry season.

    Pyu Lake

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      0 year(s)
    234 ha
  7. Ramsar logo

    Moeyungyi Wetland Wildlife Sanctuary

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      12 year(s)
    10'359 ha
  8. Ramsar logo

    Bwabwata-Okavango Ramsar Site

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      10 year(s)
    46'964 ha
  9. The new sewage settling ponds in the dunes to the east of Walvis Bay (not part of the Ramsar site).
    Counting birds at the new sewage settling ponds.
    Flamingos and other waders at the new sewage settling ponds with the town of Walvis Bay in the background.
    Flamingos and waders in the Walvis Bay lagoon.
    The Walvis Bay salt works are within the Ramsar site.
     "Bird Paradise" sewage settling ponds (not part of the Ramsar site).  These have since been drained because of an alleged mosquito problem.
    View across the Walvis Bay lagoon, looking west.

    Walvis Bay

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      28 year(s)
    12'600 ha
  10. The Orange River Mouth from the Namibian side looking south.  Pelicans, cormorants and large flocks of terns are using the sandspit as a roost.
    Great White Pelicans (Pelecanus onocrotalus) and large flocks of terns (Sterna sp.) at the Orange River Mouth.
    View of the Orange River Mouth from Swartkop looking west.  The river mouth is in the centre of the picture.
    View of the Oppenheimer bridge from Swartkop.

    Orange River Mouth

    • Pays: 
    • Date d’inscription: 
    • Numéro du site: 
    • Publié depuis: 
      28 year(s)
    500 ha




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