- Pays:Guinée
- Numéro du site:1166
- Superficie:400'600 ha
- Date d’inscription:17-01-2002
- Coordonnées:11°20'N 09°15'W
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Niger-Tinkisso. 17/01/02; Kankan; 400,600 ha; 11°20'N 009°15'W. Réserve naturelle gérée. An extensive area of river and freshwater ponds and marshes between and around the Tinkisso river and the Niger as far as the frontier with Mali, centering upon Siguiri, particularly representative of the most important wetland types of West Africa. The Western Giant (or Derby) Eland, thought to be extinct in Guinea, has been rediscovered within the site but remains threatened, and appreciable number of both waterbirds and molluscs are reported. Water quality is generally good, but the effects of mining (particularly gold mining) and pesticide runoff from cotton culture will bear close watching. Ramsar site no. 1166. Most recent RIS information: 2001.
Région administrative:
Préf. de Siguiri, Préf. de Kankan, Préf. de Mandia
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Réserve naturelle gérée
- Date de dernière publication:17-01-2002