Turmennan Lough
- Pays:Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du Nord
- Numéro du site:1178
- Superficie:15 ha
- Date d’inscription:10-06-2002
- Coordonnées:54°22'N 05°42'W
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Turmennan Lough. 10/06/02; Northern Ireland; 15 ha; 54°23'N 005°43'W. ASSI. A valley mire, transitional between fen and bog, characterized by a broad range of surface conditions, ranging from slightly base-rich to markedly acidic, influenced by the position of the ground water table in the surface peat layer. The main plant community of the mire surface is an extensive mixed sedge sward dominated by Bottle Sedge Carex rostrata, growing over a carpet of brown mosses that are replaced by Sphagnum bog mosses where the water is more acidic. The diversity of wetland habitats support a rich invertebrate community that includes notable water beetles and several locally distributed species of Odonata. Livestock grazing is the principal land use in the area. Ramsar site no. 1178.Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Région administrative:
Northern Ireland
- Inscription légale nationale:
- Inscriptions juridiques régionales (internationales):
- UE Natura 2000
- Date de dernière publication:01-01-2005