Pulau Kukup
- Pays:Malaisie
- Numéro du site:1287
- Superficie:647 ha
- Date d’inscription:31-01-2003
- Coordonnées:01°19'N 103°25'E
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Pulau Kukup. 31/01/03; Johor; 647 ha; 01°19'N 103°25'E. State Park. Uninhabited mangrove island located 1 km from the southwestern tip of the Malaysian peninsula, one of the few intact sites of this type left in southeast Asia. The wetland supports such species as the Flying Fox Pteropus vampyrus, Smooth Otter Lutra perspicillata, Bearded Pig Sus barbatus, Long-tailed Macaque Macaca fascicularis, all listed as threatened, vulnerable or near-threatened under the IUCN Red Book. Pulau Kukup has been identified as one of the Important Bird Areas (IBA) for Malaysia. Globally vulnerable Lesser Adjutant Leptoptilos javanicus chooses this as a stop-over and breeding ground. Pulau Kukup is important for flood control, physical protection (e.g. as a wind-breaker), and shoreline stabilization as it shelters the mainland town from severe storm events. The coastal straits between Pulau Kukup and the mainland are a thriving industry for marine cage culture. The mudflats are rich with shellfish and provide food and income to local people. Tourism is another use of the island and the government has further plans to promote ecotourism. Ramsar site no. 1287. Most recent RIS information: 2003.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- State Park
- Date de dernière publication:31-01-2003