Baie d'Ad-Dakhla
- Pays:Maroc
- Numéro du site:1470
- Superficie:40'000 ha
- Date d’inscription:15-01-2005
- Coordonnées:23°45'N 15°49'W
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Baie d'Ad-Dakhla; 15/01/05; Ad-Dakhla; 40,000 ha; 23°45'N 015°50'W. A 37km-long bay separated from the ocean by a system of dunes, with a mosaic of habitat types including intertidal seagrass beds, algal plains and salt/sand pans. The site has high botanical diversity, hosting several species which are rare, vulnerable or Macaronesian, Moroccan or Saharan endemics, including the vulnerable dwarf eelgrass Zostera noltii. These form the habitat for more than 120 mollusk species, among which are an endemic crustacean, Cerapopsis takamado, and 41 fish species. This is also the northernmost limit of the Atlantic humpbacked dolphins' distribution and the second most important migratory waterbird wintering site in Morocco, having hosted an average of close to 60,000 birds between 1995 and 2000; among the best-represented species are the Caspian tern, the Lesser Black-backed Gull, and the Great Ringed Plover. Fishing and tourism are important activities, which may pose threats in the future, especially in terms of pollution, if left to develop indiscriminately. A harbour which is being built at 12km from the site may also affect the hydrological and sedimentary balance of the area. No management plan exists as yet, but plans are envisaged to create different exploitation zones in the site, for both conservation and aquaculture purposes. Ramsar site no. 1470. Most recent RIS information: 2005.
Région administrative:
- Inscription légale nationale:
- National Park
- Site of Biological and Ecological Interest
- Zone of Interest for the Conservation of Birds
- Date de dernière publication:15-01-2005